About - ThumperUK


Hi, my name is Khalid Aziz. Welcome to my blog!
I am a blogger and an aspiring entrepreneur. ThumperUK is the home for my blogs on Inbound marketing topics including Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Blogging, and more.
My goal with this blog is to help entrepreneurs and startups with their online presence.
A little more about me..
I take my career as an entrepreneur, and I strongly believe building a personal brand is an important aspect of being an entrepreneur. This blog is an effort to build my personal brand.
I am passionate about entrepreneurship and all things startups. This blog is mainly about my thoughts and learnings on entrepreneurship and ideas and views on startups. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I constantly seek for inspiration and my hope is that you might also get some inspiration going through my blogs and ideas.
My interest in Blogging has been informed mostly by my experience of building startups and my academic background. I am a Computer Science  graduate and hold an BS degree in Computer Science .
I am also working towards a startup in social media marketing and a broader inbound marketing space. Writing about such topics here, I want to advance my learnings and help others on a similar journey with what I have learnt.
This blog thus covers marketing topics including Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Blogging, Email Marketing and more.

Connect with Me

You can connect with me on several social networks. You can join me on Twitter here or connect with me on my Facebook page.

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