China installs over 20 million AI-equipped street cameras - ThumperUK

China installs over 20 million AI-equipped street cameras

China has installed over 20 million cutting-edge security cameras. Such technology can identify a pedestrian or a motorist, which can help policemen in their search for criminals.
China has installed over 20 million cutting-edge security cameras in what is believed to be the world's most advanced surveillance system.

The camera system, facilitated with artificial intelligence technology, is part of the 'Sky Net' operation, which is China's anti-corruption programme mainly aimed to track down fugitives.

Such technology can identify a pedestrian or a motorist, which can help policemen in their search for criminals.
The new technology can identify a person's age, gender and colour of clothes (left). It can also scan on vehicles and identify the types and colours (right)

Video footage posted by China Central Television in a documentary today displays what a real-time CCTV captures on screen.

It has then been shared and re-posted by the local media including

A number of boxes pop up next to a person with details of their age, gender, and colour of the clothes.

The same technology can apply on vehicles as well, identifying the type of vehicles and its colour. reported that the pedestrian-scanning function used computer vision technology to pinpoint passersby on the road.

It allows GPS tracking and facial recognition to help policemen locate criminals on the loose.

A signal will be alarmed to the police if the recognition matches any criminals in the database.
It can provide gps tracking and facial recognition to help locating criminals on the loose
China claimed to have the world's most advanced security system with 20 million CCTV cameras across the country

Over 20 million CCTV cameras equipped with AI technology have been installed in China, crowning to be the world's most advanced surveillance system.

Operation 'Sky Net' was launched in 2015 as the Chinese central government aimed to hunt for corrupt fugitive officials, crack down on underground banks and confiscate misappropriated assets, according to Bloomberg.

It has now extended to catch fugitives in local community in different cities across China.

In April, China has started to use facial recognition technology to catch jaywalkers in Shenzhen.

Portraits of offenders will be uploaded to a LED screen displayed on the side of the road immediately.

The new surveillance system had feared the citizens that the techonology was a use to monitor their daily lives.

'Why are there so many child abductors around if the Sky Net is really working?' wrote web user 'xianzaihe_89'.

'We don't have any privacy anymore under the watch of the Chinese government!' said web user 'neidacongmin'.

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