Are you thinking of buying a television but confused about how to identify a High Definition HD TV and smart TVs, you may have bought one already but do not know if your TV is smart or HD, then this post is for you. Although many people are using flat screen TV today, the facy remains that noy all flat screen televisions are HD nor smart. The Plasma TV was the first in the flat screen slim TV technology series, followed by the LCD TV series. The LED TV and its HD counterparts hit the industry at virtually the same time before we started having the 3-Dimensional imaging 3D TV. 

There have been a combination of technologies - a 3D and LED technology features embedded in one TV model. Today we have the Ultra Slim, 4D TVs, Curved TV, full HD TVs, satellite TVs, to mention but a few. This butresses the point that the Television technology has been evolving almost at the speed of light. It may not be surprising that even as you are reading this post, TVs with more sophisticated and advanced technologies are been rolled out.

A lot more people are currently in patronage of the LED TVs, Smart TVs and indeed Ultra-Slim satellite TVs. Therefore this post will dwell more on how you can identify ify if your TV is HD, HD-ready, full HD, Smart or a combination of both.

   To the human eye, a HD TV displays crystal clear pictures by which you can pick up clear every minute detail ordinarilly which may appear blurry in Standard Definition SD TV.
Technically, a HD TV must have a picture definition rating of 880 pixel and above classified this way - HD-Ready TV (880 - 980 px), HD TV (980 - 1080 px), Full HD TV (1080 px and above).
Alongside the super clear picture qualities of the HD TV, it also has a high quality digital sorround sound to compliment the pleasure of the super video displays.
These specifications are clearly written on the container pack of every newly purchased HD TV and also on its back or anterior.

The word "Smart" ensures that the TV is built for customization in usage as well as interactivity.
A Smart TV must have a multifunctional remote control or even buttons embedded on its body which allows you to programme and reprogramme the TV to suit your viewing needs.
To make it simpler, if you can make your TV recognise your voice command, store and retrieve TV programmes at will, record and reschedule live TV contents at your command and other forms of personalization settings, then you have a Smart TV.
You have seen now that while HD TV is in the output display and sound quality, Smart TV is in its functionalities. A television may be Smart but not neccessorilly a HD TV - at least a full HD TV. Unfortunately many TV producing companies may advertise their TV as HD or full HD but in reality, it is only a HD-ready TV. Being HD-Ready means that the TV screen displays in the standard definition SD format but will only display HD images when a full HD device like the DStv HD decoder is connected to it. Other HD satellite TV decoders include the Startimes combo decoder and the MyTV HD decoders, etc.

Interestingly, you may have a TV with all these technologies combined into one model. A case of an Ultra-Slim, Full HD, 3D, Satellite Smart TV is virtually common these days except that you must be very rich to afford this type of all-in-one smart TV.
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