How to Earn Money on YouTube follow this Step by Step instructions - ThumperUK

How to Earn Money on YouTube follow this Step by Step instructions

Ever tried making money online? Most of us thinks it’s only possible if you have a reputable blog or own website with tons of interesting information and lots of visitors. In fact, that was true and all these are required a few years ago. But now Google let you to make money with your favorite video-sharing site YouTube.

YouTube is one of the most visiting sites on internet, visits by hundreds of thousands of people daily and billions monthly, which make it a huge market for Google, through which the company (Google) makes more than $4 Billion annually. The income is generated from advertisement which is being place on the user’s uploaded videos.
As a huge market and one of the most revenue generated products by Google, it could also be a source of good income for you. As Google make revenue from advertisements on the uploaded videos, the company also share a cut of the revenue generated from advertisement with those who uploaded the content. Your video uploaded on YouTube could make your luck too. Although the income may not be sufficient at first but there are some people (so called YouTube Stars) who make 5 figures income a month from YouTube.
Follow the steps listed below to join these so called YouTube Stars and make a smart income from YouTube.
Step 01:Sign up for YouTube account
To be partner with YouTube, you need YouTube account. You can easily signup for YouTube account with your existing Gmail ID or you may create a new one for this purpose. I suggest it is better to create a separate Gmail ID if the exiting one is coupled with your name. Thus make new Gmail ID with Eye catching, keyword’s specific User ID to connect it with Your YouTube Channel (Read next step). Try to make ID short easy to remember, not only for you but for the visitors too

Step 02: Create YouTube Channel

Build a YouTube Channel and define it well, give it an attractive title name which is easy to find and remember and a brief meaningful description. Apart from your YouTube channel name, you can also add keywords in your YouTube channel setting in Advance section. Add keywords relevant to your content and make it sure not to play keyword game with Google as it will result in cancelation of your YouTube Partnership.Also add an attractive image which will be displayed at the top of your YouTube Channel

Step 03: Add Content to your channel

Once created account and YouTube channel, fill the pot with flower. Try to fill your YouTube channel by uploading keyword specific, high quality original videos.  Remember the guidelines before uploading something. You cannot upload anything containing adult content, violent and hateful content, hatred speech and the copyrighted video or video which contain copyrighted images and music. Infringing these rule and regulation will result in loss of your YouTube partnership

Step 04: Upload your video good

Your visitors and even YouTube will not know well that what you have uploaded and where to put it if you haven’t describe your effort. So make sure to upload and publish your video with specific keyword, tags and a nice description of it. This will make your video search friendly and help t drive more people to your video

Step 05: Be Consistent
 Uploading a video or two are not enough. Your job even isn’t done with uploading only few. More videos, more visitors, more reputation, more clicks. Be consistent in uploading quality content to make sure that visitor will subscribe for your channel and visit it often for a reason.
Regular publishing schedule is recommended by YouTube too. So make it habit to regularly upload and update your YouTube channel more often to build reputation and gain audience.

Step 06: Gain Audience

The key to successful monetization of your videos is to build large audience. In order to make money from your videos (and the advertisement placed there), it needs to be viewed by people.
One great effort to build audience is to upload unique and quality content. The best you upload the more visitors it will attract.
Another way to gain visitors is to publish your video elsewhere as you can. YouTube made it really simple to share videos on social media (Facebook, Twitter) or embed it on websites. So distribute your videos on the internet as much as you can.
Also take part in discussion on your videos in comments and clarify if they have any quarries.
Step 07: Enable Monetization To Start Earning

The next step to earn money on YouTube is to monetize your videos. Monetization means to allow YouTube to display ads in or on your video and you acknowledge it too that your video do not contain any copyright material.
You can enable monetization on video or on channel in Monetization tab under channel setting tab and checking in the “Monetize with Ads”.
If you put really good content or if your videos goes viral on YouTube, their Team will send you email by their own with subject “Apply for revenue sharing for You Video” indicating the video title. So be prompt to apply for what they stated.

Step 08: Set up AdSense

One more step is to setup Google AdSense account (if you don’t have one) and link it to your YouTube account. With this you’ll be able to collect your revenue. YouTube will pay for per ad click and per view. The more your video attracts audience, the more views and more potential of ads click leads to more revenue.
Although AdSense were initially designed and allotted to webmasters (through a difficult process), but it is now quite simple with YouTube to setup AdSense account.
You can add AdSense account for free but you must be 18 years older (or need help of your elder brother or father), must have a bank or PayPal account and a valid physical mailing address.

Step 09: Promote You Video

Don’t just relay on the traffic from YouTube organic search but take all steps to promote and share your video on the internet to get huge visitors. To get better result, use your social media account; share your video on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Stumble upon and where ever possible. You can even embed them on you website. This will increase the chance of your video getting noticed and more visitors it will attract.

Step 10: Just Wait and Watch Your Analytics

After you publish some good videos which are being notice by audience and have monetized it, check your video analytics to see the status of your video. i.e. Video views, estimated minutes watched, ad performance, estimated earnings, demographics and more. Interpret the data to know if your video attracts the right audience which you want and use it guide to change the content, theme, idea of your video or the marketing to attract the right audience.
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