YouTube removes monetization from channels under 10K views - ThumperUK

YouTube removes monetization from channels under 10K views

In a bold move to satisfy advertisers and keep ads from running against offensive content, YouTube is stepping back in time.

The video giant is implementing a requirement of 10,000 lifetime views before creators will be eligible to monetize content. Those who have never monetized before will be required to apply for the YouTube Partner Program once reaching the 10k views threshold.

“After a creator hits 10k lifetime views on their channel, we’ll review their activity against our policies. If everything looks good, we’ll bring this channel into YPP and begin serving ads against their content,” writes Ariel Bardin, VP of Product Management.

When the YouTube Partner Program first launched in 2007, channels had to apply, and only an elite few were accepted. It appears that YouTube doesn’t intend to screen channels for content quality, but rather just compliance with community guidelines and advertiser policies. Last month, over 250 advertisers suspended their contracts with Google in a move that analysts said could cost the company over $750 million.

This change begins today. Any channels that have less than 10,000 lifetime public views – including those partnered with MCNs – will not see advertisements run against their content, even if the content still appears monetized within the Video Manager. Once a channel has crossed the requirement threshold, it will be automatically reviewed, and monetization privileges will be reinstated provided the channel is compliant with all of YouTube’s policies.

“We want creators of all sizes to find opportunity on YouTube, and we believe this new application process will help ensure creator revenue continues to grow and end up in the right hands,” writes Bardin.
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